eki clock (table)
Expected to ship by May
Every minute and every second, we live alongside time—sometimes wasting it, sometimes striving, sometimes being lazy, and sometimes rising to the occasion. A unique and timeless clock can make you rediscover time, respect it, and truly appreciate its value.
When it comes to timeless classics, the Sapporo Station Clock is undoubtedly one of them. The clock features a compact and minimalist font design, with only modern numerals and clear hour and minute hands within its circular frame (if you look closely, you'll notice that the numbers are arranged in a non-traditional way, making it easier to read the time). The bold use of negative space encourages those who glance at the clock to cherish every moment and make the most of each passing second. Born in the fleeting instant of time, we live in the ever-flowing present.
五十嵐威暢(Takenobu Igarashi)是日本已故享譽國際的設計師與藝術家,於1944年出生於日本北海道,畢業於東京藝術大學,並在美國加州大學洛杉磯分校(UCLA)深造。五十嵐威暢的作品融合了傳統日本美學與現代設計理念,風格簡約卻充滿創意,尤其擅長將幾何圖形與立體結構融入字體設計中,創造出極具辨識度的視覺語言。他的設計涵蓋海報、標誌、雕塑及建築等多個領域,並在全球範圍內舉辦過多次展覽,對平面設計與視覺藝術領域產生了深遠影響。
Takenobu Igarashi was a renowned Japanese designer and artist who gained international acclaim. Born in 1944 in Hokkaido, Japan, he graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts and furthered his studies at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). Igarashi's works seamlessly blend traditional Japanese aesthetics with modern design principles, characterized by their simplicity and creativity. He was particularly skilled at integrating geometric shapes and three-dimensional structures into his typography, creating a highly distinctive visual language. His designs spanned various fields, including posters, logos, sculptures, and architecture. He held numerous exhibitions worldwide, leaving a profound impact on the fields of graphic design and visual arts.
尺寸:W130 × H142 × D64mm / 400g